Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prop 8 has been overturned and smashed in California. Now the whole Country!

Prop 8 has been overturned! The religious right and the mormon church who funded Prop 8 are probably running around frantic, bumping into each other in their head to toe pajamas with shotguns loaded. Sorry, but slightly true?

In California court, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker  announced his verdict. He deemed that Proposition 8 was a violation of the Constitutions equal protection clause under the 14th Amendment and overturned it. Even Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger chimed in: "This decision affirms the full legal protections and safeguards I believe everyone deserves." Everyone in Hollywood is twittering the buhjesus out of it. If you're all into Twitter and you follow celebrities, then you've got about a billion tweets. Tweet the shirt below. Spread the message.

This T-shirt from Death and Taxes displays the overall attitude towards Prop 8, and that's an all out Smash Fest! The design has already been hitting the markings. Or shall I say, Smashing the Markets! Sorry, but wouldn't you have said the same?

I can't even believe that Prop 8 was on the ballot to begin with. What right is it of a few to take away( TAKE AWAY) the rights of some other few? It amazes me the fear that reeks the lot. Shouldn't they just be concerned with their own miserable marriage? Is their marriage so bad that they just want to safeguard others from doing it? Nah, they're just filled with hate and false Religious Ideology.

Prop 8 being overturned wasn't just a victory for our gay population, but a victory for the rights of every American.

1 comment:

  1. yah. What the F... can't believe it was even on the ballot.
