
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Republicans say What? Party of What?

The word made famous by the Republican Party, the GOP's favorite saying, 'NO!' 

There's a lot of NO!'s on this elephant, but then again, a lot were said. Say what they say with a shirt.

Available in:

Guys Fitted (shown) 

Guys White T Shirt

Womans White T Shirt


  1. The GOP does NOT say NO! They're the ones who actually care for America. They fight for Christian Ideals that are the gravy of this Country. Liberals are too attached to socialist ideas and everything being free. The GOP know how to make economies work, how to make business flourish, and how to keep things RIGHT! Privatize everything because the government is too big and taking over every industry. Dems lost this election. No more welfare.

  2. Oooo! aNOnymous... The GOP doesn't say NO? How about Hell No? They clearly have bonded together to go against anything put forward By Pres. Obama. Even if they originally came up with the bill.
    Your Gravy has run Dry! Granted, a lot of people back in the day were Anglican Christians, the Founders, in no way, would have considered declaring America a 'Christian Nation.' That would go against every grain of their struggle for freedom. GOP knows how to make econs work? First, Republican Depression of the 30's: great economic job. How about Reaganomics?? Complete collapse of the middle class. Reagan, your God I'm sure, also gave away America to Corporations by ignoring the Sherman AntiTrust Law of 1890 and then lowered tax on the Rich from 70% to the low 30's. GOP knows how to make Biz flourish? Where are our businesses now? Overseas? ANd GOP prez 'W' lowered taxes on the Rich AGAIN. Best American Economy was from Eisenhower up to Reagan. Knock Knock, who's there? It's Ronnie, I'm here to hand AMerica over to the Heritage Foundation! Fuck, you're so caught in the riptide!
